Organo Gold

Friday, November 29, 2013

Rod Smith Endorsed Organo Gold Products

Rod Smith is not known for endorsing many products so why would he choose to endorse a network marketing company? Because he recognizes that Organo Gold is MORE than just a network marketing company. It has a product that almost 75% of the population drinks and that Organo Gold has a healthier version. One that includes Ganoderma which has been used in China medicinally for over 4,000 years!

When people saw this short interview, they wanted to know more about Organo Gold. Let them know that YOU can offer them the best tasting, most healthy form of coffee there is and allow them to make a great income doing the same.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Make Profits for only a $49.95 Investment

Do you do Tradeshows, Special Events, Festivals, Fairs, Parties, Fundraisers, Non-Profits or Are you a speciality shop owner, Beauty Shops? Turn $49.95 into Thousands in Profit.

Monday, November 11, 2013


The Four Steps To Success with Organo Gold!!!
It's easy, It's exciting, It's Healthy Coffee, Tea and More.
1. Do you or anyone you know drink coffee or tea?
2. How do you drink it? Black or Cream and Sugar.
3. What company or brand do you use?
4. Have they ever paid you for using their brand?
OG Business Overview Calls Mon-Fri @ 1pm & 9pm EST Dial  832-225-5806  pin 30125#

Sunday, November 10, 2013


To control the outcome of anything, you control the action at the point of decision making.
If you let others make decisions for you, you give up control.  When you control the decisions, you control the actions.
It’s your life.  You decide what you are going to do with it.
If you don’t run your own life someone else will.  You are in control of your life to the degree you make decisions.
Take charge of your life so that there is no longer a need to ask permission of others.  When you ask permission, you are giving someone else veto power over your life.
Take control and start making those decisions.  Only you are responsible for your life.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Organo Gold Business Opportunity

The Organo Gold Business Opportunity

Put your business hat on…The information will be based on documentation not hype. It’s time to capitalize on the information many of the largest companies in the world are already implementing. I respect your time so I’ll go quick.
But again pay close attention because I don’t want you to miss something.
Your Acute Sensory Mechanism
We all have an acute sensory mechanism that goes off once we begin to put our thoughts towards something. As an example have you ever purchased a car then began to see the same car all over town?  You may have seen a few prior to purchasing that vehicle, but now you seem to notice your vehicle everywhere.
That’s called our acute sensory mechanism and it applies to all areas of our life. However, when it comes to building wealth we are programmed to think more about jobs than opportunities. The results show that this doesn’t work for the majority.
In fact while we are programmed this way it is proven statistically that 95% are dead broke at the age of 65, with the main thing in common being jobs. The majority of the top 3% of all income earners across the world are self-employed.
If you’ll allow me, I’ll show you a better way. I certainly hope you are as it can change your life dramatically. One of the biggest opportunities in our lifetime exists today.
The name of our company is Organo Gold and we’ve found a way to make the greatest consumable product in the world healthy. That’s right we found a way to make coffee healthy. Now before I share with you how we were able to do that let me give you some important facts about the business opportunity.

Timing and Positioning
Let’s talk about timing and position. Success leaves clues, and I believe right before our eyes a major shift is happening in business. Look no further than one of the most successful business entities in the world. McDonald’s is a multi-billion dollar company and they have completely shifted their business focus.
Ask yourself this question? Why does one of the most successful companies in history shift a billion dollar business model that has worked for years? How does this apply to you?
Remember that success leaves clues. McDonald’s hired one of the top executives from Starbucks, and shifted their entire business model away from burgers and fries towards coffee. Look at every commercial, look at all their signs, coffee, coffee, and more coffee.

How has that business opportunity worked for them? McDonald’s is showing record profits in one of the worst economies in our countries history. Many other companies have followed suit, from Burger King to Wendy’s, and now even Subway soon to be the #1 largest chain by location serves coffee in their restaurants.
How about this one? Duncan Donuts actually changed their logo from a Donut to a cup of Coffee. Why? Because these companies have realized a simple truth. Coffee is recession proof and has large product margins!

The Masses Consume Coffee
See coffee is a conversational piece, it’s embedded in every part of our culture across the globe. From the poor to the rich, to the young and the elderly, in an up economy or a down economy, coffee never stops being consumed. Think about the business opportunity? Coffee is served in restaurants, gas stations, convenient stores, book stores, and fast food locations just to name a few places.
Coffee is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Coffee is a 70 billion dollar market globally, the most consumed drink besides water, and the largest traded commodity in the world next to oil. Think about that for a second, only oil is traded more than coffee.

People Drink Coffee
Coffee is consumed by every country in the world with over half a billion cups consumed every single day in North America alone. Consider that 255 million of the 340 million Americans drink coffee, an astounding 80% of the population.
People don’t just drink coffee, they drink multiple cups of coffee each day. The average coffee drinker consumes 3-5 cups of coffee each day, paying upwards of $4 per cup. In fact many won’t start their day without having their coffee first.
Regular Coffee

Everybody Wants Healthy Coffee
Normal coffee is very acidic, it lowers your PH. Just one cup of regular coffee takes 17 glasses of water to bring your PH level back to neutral. Many health practioners believe that acidity levels have a great deal to do with your health. What if you could get the same rich smooth flavor, without the negative effects?

Healthy Alternative
What if you could still get the same pickup without the side effects? How about feeling more alert without the jitters or the inevitable crash that comes from regular coffee? How is this possible?

Exclusive and Powerful Ingredient
Organo Gold coffee is infused with 100% certified organic Ganoderma Lucidum. Regarded by the Chinese as the “King of Herbs” or the “Miracle Herb” because of it’s ability to improve the bodies healing capabilities. It’s been used in traditional medicine in Chine for over 4,000 years. Do a Google search and you’ll see their are over 3 million pages of information on it.

Miracle of Ganoderma
  • Oxygenates the body
  • Providers more energy
  • Natural body detoxification
  • Supports quality of sleep
  • Supports circulation
  • Supports the immune system
  • Promotes health and longevity
Many report incredible health benefits just from drinking Organo Gold coffee and tea. Ganoderma also promotes healthy weight loss, as the body is provided with phytonutrients that aid our metabolism. Not only are you tapping into the coffee market but the weight loss industry as well. That’s an amazing business opportunity.
More Ganoderma Benefits
Each cup of our delicious coffee provides you with over 200 vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. In fact just one cup alone has over 150 antioxidants alone. In comparison, 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice has just 17 antioxidants.

The Organo Gold Difference

A Healthier Way to Drink Coffee
Organo Gold is partnered with one of the largest Ganoderma producers in the world, and they are globally recognized for it’s patent preparation method in cultivating the world’s leading brand of 100% certified organic Ganoderma. In fact, Organo Gold just celebrated the groundbreaking of a $240 million Gano Herb Industrial Park, making it the largest in the world.

Visionary Leader
Mr. Bernie Chua, the CEO and founder of Organo Gold, has dedicated his mission to your success. His goal is humble yet powerful, to
bring the treasures of the earth to the people of the earth. He introduced the concept of healthier coffee and Ganoderma to north america, and has led teams of 500,000 or more before in direct sales. Mr Chua has created and developed the secret formula to the World’s best tasting gourmet healthier coffee!

History Finds a Home
Last but certainly not least, Organo Gold is proud to have the first ever, exclusive strategic collaboration with the Napolean Hill Foundation and it’s renowned World Learning Center. Napolean Hill is responsible for the best selling success book, “Think and Grow Rich”, one of the top selling business books of all time.
There are thousands of companies that they could have chosen to align themselves with, but after looking at Organo Gold they chose us. That says a lot about the business opportunity at hand, and who you have a chance to partner with.

The Right Business
There are a lot of home based businesses out there, but there is nothing like coffee. Our products are in high demand even in a down economy. The greatest thing is you don’t have to be a salesperson. Just hand out the samples and people will ask for more, it’s that simple. That’s why many people are calling this the greatest business opportunity of our lifetime, and our numbers back it up.
Are you tired of trying to convince someone to buy something? Wouldn’t you like to sell something that is consumed by the masses multiple times a day all around the world? You don’t have to convince people to drink coffee, they are going to do it everyday regardless. How about an opportunity to offer them a healthy alternative?

Earn Money Around the Globe

People Drink Coffee All Over The World
Imagine getting paid every time you or someone you know drinks coffee? This creates a massive money making opportunity around the globe. We’re talking about a serious business opportunity here even on a part time basis.

Share in Our Success
Organo Gold has put together a marketing strategy to capture 1% of the North American coffee market within the next three years. That’s $125 million per month in sales, and $62.5 million per month in commissions that is shared with our team members. The question of that is how much of that do you want?

Right now there is an amazing opportunity that’s open to you if you recognize it. Remember that success leaves clues, and from this day forward you’ll start noticing the business opportunity being presented by coffee. It’s a chance to change you, your family, and your financial future
Opening our eyes to this opportunity is the first step, but acting on it is the most important step. This is your chance to engage in a business that’s recesssion proof, that’s growing, and still in the early phases of growth. Regardless of whether you want to build it full or part time. There’s only one thing you have to remember.

It’s Easy. It’s Simple. It’s Coffee.
There’s no time like the present to take advantage of this opportunity that’s right in front of you.
You are invited to join the Worldwide Organo Gold family and share in our success.
Just contact me when you are ready to learn more about Organo Gold coffee. Tested and proven coffee kn0wn as the world's no.1 Healthy Coffee! Or call me 423-525-6804 | visit my online store >>>

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Seriously Don't Wait - You Can Make a Fortune

What package is best to join Organo Gold with? That will depend on what your reason is for joining Organo Gold.
Here are your choices:
OG Business Pack $49.00
- is required to join OG. if you only want to buy your coffee at wholesale prices instead of retail, then this package is for you. It comes with the Business Kit, product samples, 1 year back office and replicating website. There are no boxes of coffee in the kit, please order what you want to start with while joining
OG Bronze Beverage Pack $150.00
- Pack Content Includes 2-Gourmet Black 2-Gourmet Mocha 2-Gourmet Latte 1-Hot Chcolate 1-Green Tea (150CV/200QV. This is a starter package that contains only 8 boxes of coffee, that is not very much when considering that you will be drinking some, passing out samples to advertise your business, and you will be selling some boxes at retail. If this is all you can afford right now, then get started here. The company is nice enough to give you 60 days to upgrade to a higher package by just paying the difference in price. This also pays you upto $500 a week at 10% of your dual team lesser legs volume.
OG Silver Pack $450.00
- Pack Content 4-Gourmet Black 2-Gourmet Mocha 4-Gourmet Latte 2-Hot Chocolate 1-Green Tea 1-Ganoderma 1-Mycelium 1-Spores 1-Grapeseed 1-G3 Soap (400CV/500QV) – This is also a good choice, it gives you enough coffee to get your business started. This also pays you upto $1500 a week at 15% of your dual team lesser legs volume.
OG Gold Pack $1245.00
- Pack Content 15-Gourmet Black 10-Gourmet Mocha 15-Gourmet Latte 6-Hot Chocolate 6-GreenTea 3-Ganoderma 2-Mycelium 2-Spores 2-Grapeseed 2-G3 Soaps (875CV/1300QV) – This is the best choice and the way I started the coffee business, it is for thoses you are commited to building a strong coffee business. It gives you enough coffee to have some to drink, sample, sell at retail, and get you new distributors started thae day they join the business. This also pays you upto $2500 a week at 20% of your dual team lesser legs volume. As you can see that 20% pay is twice the rate of 10% pay for the same amount of work, wouldn’t you rather make 20% right now? Don’t leave money on the table that you could be earning yourself.
3) Monthly autoship is optional: If you only wish to buy at wholesale, you may order when ever you wish to. However, if you are building an Organo Gold business, the monthly autoship or a wholesale order is required in order to get paid a commission check. Thr minimum order is $50PV (personal Volume) This can be acheived by ordering the autoshipment pack that includes a box of black, lette, and mocha (OG 3 Pack). If you are joining with the Silver or Gold package, you will need to be ordering 100PV a month. that can be a OG 6 Pack or any mix totaling 100PV or more. You can setup the automatic shipment to be sent on the 1st or the 15th of the month, and you can cancel or change the order at any time befor it is shipped to you. I order a 30 box case every month and shipping is free on case orders.
4) Because of the potential of earning commissions by joining OrGano Gold Coffee, IRS tax laws require that you supply a social security number or TIN (taxpayers Identification Number), Also your date of birth is needed because it is against the law for anyone under 18 years of age to join. Another benefit of starting a coffee business in the US is that it can qualify you for a home office tax credit.

5) OrGano Gold will take care of all orders placed on your personal website, they will collect the order, process the credit card and ship the order to your customer, then once a week they will send you a check for the commission earned on that retail sale. That is the retail price less the wholesale cost of the product. If pays to refer customers to OrGano Gold. If you decide to expand your customer base by helping others to join Organo Gold, you will also be paid a comission on the work that they do in the business. The back office of the free website keeps track of all your business and commissions for you, nothing to worry about, no reports need to be submitted by you in order to get paid.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

What is Ganoderma Lucidum?

What is Ganoderma Lucidum?
Source: Natural Health Magazine - February 2006 - pg. 100
 Called the "mushroom of immortality", this fungus is considered by Chinese medicine to be a tonic and longevity promoter.
Considerable research has confirmed reishi's ability to enhance immune response. "It treats fatigue, respiratory
complaints, heart disease and liver ailments" says Efrem Korngold, O.M.D., L.A.C.
 Improves immune funstion - has antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-carcinogenic properties - reduces
cholesterol, blood pressure,
and blood sugar. The mushroom shows definate anti-bacterial and anti-viral activity, concluded several Korean studies, two
of them published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

 Meanwhile, a report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry illustrates reishi's potency as an antioxidant.
Labratory and animal studies in Japan and at the Methodist Research Institute in Indianapolis indicate that the mushroom
may surpress the growth of leukemia and cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, and throat. It also helps prevent internal
blood clots and decrease blood sugar, according to Chinese researches. Studies in the United States and Switzerland,
respectively, suggest that reishi lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's Your Discision

Yes, Harold, So true. Sometimes people get stuck in life's ruts and just stay there. Many think there's nothing else they can do to improve the quality of life for their selves or there family. I understand this, been there-done that. Times are hard, economy is not improving, low paying jobs or no jobs available. But Harold, you and I have the solution for that better life we all desire. Some are thinking now "that's just one of those old networking things just to get your money"!! O so wrong, if this is your thinking... I promise I can help you, whoever you are to change, to have a better life. I wouldn't say this I'f I didn't mean every word of it..... Lets Just Set Down and Talk sometime. I will prove to YOU there is really a pot of gold at the other end of the rainbow. That's totally YOUR decision. But YOU have to want it.....
The day you can say ENOUGH, and mean it. Things will start to change

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Organo Gold Coffee Is Here To Stay in Tennessee

Organo Gold Coffee Is Here To Stay in Tennessee

Hello! Welcome to my Organo Gold blog in the 37745 zip code area. Organo Gold coffee has become an important part of my life here in Greeneville, Tn. , both as a delicious beverage and a entrepreneurial business. I am an independent Organo Gold distributor based in Greeneville and am excited with my Organo Gold home business.
Most everyone in the 37745 zip code area knows that coffee is not a passing fad. Countless generations of coffee lovers here in TN and around the world have enjoyed it for centuries. You can also take advantage of a part-time income opportunity in Tennessee  or anywhere you are at with Organo Gold.
As you sip your morning coffee while reading a newspaper, checking your email, or driving to work, you probably don’t give a passing thought to its importance on the global stage. Coffee is a billion-dollar commodity that is traded right along with oil, wheat, and corn.
Why did I join the Organo Gold family? There are several reasons. The long-standing and firmly established coffee market is one of the components that has contributed to Organo Gold’s success. The increasing popularity of the highly-regarded Ganoderma herb is another aspect. An additional factor in Organo Gold’s success is the direct sales business model. The person-to-person nature of direct selling is suited perfectly for Organo Gold. If you are looking for an easy home business Worldwide, North America, Europe, or Africa, I invite you to join Organo Gold.
Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil. People in the Houston area drink coffee all day, every day. So here is a very powerful question: When was the last time you were paid every time someone in TN (or anywhere in the world) enjoyed a savory cup of coffee?

Are You Self Motivated?

Make a Awesome Income with Organo Gold. An A Rating with the Better Business Bureau. Want to know how? Ask me!
America Can Prosper

Are YOU Self Motivated? Anyone and Everyone can do this. It's easy and Simple. All the tools for success included.
Join Today:

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Testimony from My Sponsor with Organo Gold

Jamie Lynn I have been with Organo Gold since June and I was not a coffee drinker, did not like the taste of coffee. I now drink the Organo Gold latte, mocha, and hot chocolate and also take the Ganoderma supplements. I didn't think at first that drinking this coffee would make any difference in my health since I'm pretty healthy to begin with. I did have trouble sleeping at night, waking up several times during the night. Since I have been drinking these products I have better quality of sleep and only wake up once during the night. My allergies usually get the best of me this time of year, I'm not saying that drinking Organo Gold products has cured my allergies, but I have not been to a doctor nor have they bothered me like they usually do. And to those that don't want to "sell" anything, I have never sold a thing in my life, I am not a salesmen, but I have found since joining Organo Gold, you don't have to"sell" this product, I hand out free samples, because we all love free stuff, and people come back to me wanting to buy the product. I am so thankful for the Organo Gold opportunity because it has definitely been life changing.

My Personal Testimony

 My second Testimony. Amazing. First of all I'm 66 years old. Been drinking 2 to 3 cups of Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee with Ganoderma for about a month. I feel better than I have felt in years with lots more energy. The age spots expecially on my hands and arms are going away. Most of the time my feet were swelled so tight it actually hurt,,, all swelling is completely gone and no pain. I would have to get up 3 or 4 times a night to go to the bathroom. Now I wake 1 time to go... Sleeping and resting 100% better. I have lost weight which I needed around the mid section. I had been having problems with my bowels, no more, I'm as regular as a clock.  Life is better... Oh another biggie, My blood pressure has improved so much my doctor has lowered my medications... Yes... My vision is better. Stress has extremely decreased, I can relax more and for sure my mind is clearer and more alert. Absolutely will never stop using my ganoderma, as my person health continues to improve.
Respectfully Submitted and True
Tom Cooter

Friday, October 25, 2013

Network Marketing and You

There are people who think Network Marketing isn't a good career choice.

There have also been people who thought cell phones were unnecessary, Blockbuster video was forever and Facebook was a joke.

Big money in this life is found in recognizing a trend and being smart enough to position yourself in front of it before it becomes obvious to everyone.

Most people don't have the resources to get in front of BIG trends. In Network Marketing, that isn't true. It's the average person's best shot at real wealth.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Self Motivated People, Contact Me

I'm looking for some self motivated people to partner with me in an outstanding business opportunity. Income can and will be amazing. Work only part time. Actually its not actually work. It's exciting, fun and easy. Contact me for more information via facebook messaging (Tom Cooter), email @ or call 423-525-6804 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 423-525-6804 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting. The Business is real, legal, and as I said extremely rewarding. Best Regards, Tom (ps. How long before you can retire, 20, 30 years or longer. What if I told you that retirement day could be in 1 to 2 years if not sooner.

Just email me for more Information
Respectfully Submitted  Tom Cooter

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Very Interesting video of Ganoderma and China...How it is grown and produced.
Known as the King of Supplements for Health and Wellness..

Sunday, October 20, 2013 Facts about supplement in Organo Gold Products

Do you know sick and hurting people that you could help!!!!
Then help me get these products out there to help people.
These Facts of supplements taken directly from


 Cordyceps is a fungus that lives on certain caterpillars in the high
mountain regions of China. Supplement makers are able to get enough of
the product to sell because cordyceps will reproduce in the laboratory.

 Cordyceps is used to treat coughs, chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders,
kidney disorders, nighttime urination, male sexual problems, anemia,
irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, liver disorders, dizziness, weakness,
ringing in the ears, unwanted weight loss, and opiumaddiction.

 It is also used for strengthening the immune system, improving athletic
performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and
improving liver function in people with hepatitis B.

 Some people use cordyceps as a stimulant, a tonic, and an “adaptogen,”
which is used to increase energy, enhance stamina, and reduce fatigue.

How does it work?
Cordyceps might improve immunity by stimulating cells and specific
chemicals in the immune system. It may also have activity against
cancer cells and may shrink tumor size, particularly with lung or
skin cancers.


 Reishi mushroom is a fungus that some people describe as “tough”
and “woody” with a bitter taste. The fruiting body (above-ground part)
and mycelium (filaments connecting a group of mushrooms) are used as
 Reishi mushroom is used for boosting the immune system; viral infections
such as the flu (influenza), swine flu, and avian flu; lung conditions
including asthma and bronchitis; heart disease and contributing conditions
such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol; kidney disease; cancer;
and liver disease. It is also used for HIV/AIDS, altitude sickness, chronic
fatigue syndrome (CFS), trouble sleeping (insomnia), stomach ulcers,
poisoning, and herpes pain. Other uses include reducing stress and
preventing fatigue.
 In combination with other herbs, reishi mushroom is used to treat prostate cancer.
How does it work?
 Reishi mushroom contains chemicals that seem to have a variety of potentially
beneficial effects, including activity against tumors (cancer) and beneficial
effects on.
Sign up today with me to help people @
join as distributor for only $49.95, one time fee and order at cost, wholesale.

Ganoderma Benefits for your Total Body and Your Mind

Want more energy? Improve Blood Circulation? Strengthen Immune System? and more.
Organo Gold is on a mission, spreading the knowledge of Ganoderma to the four corners of the world. By using the cost effective network distribution system to deliver these Ganoderma products, more of every dollar is shared with our growing Organo Gold family world-wide.

Think about your future. Where will you and your family be in 5 years from right now? You may know where you want to be, but do you know how you are going to get there? Do you have a plan? Now more than ever it’s up to you to define your future. That’s where Organo Gold comes into the picture.

Organo Gold is a global family that is growing and thriving every day. A family that is caring and compassionate and believes that the knowledge of Ganoderma should be in the hands of people world-wide. It’s a family that cares about you.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Woo,,, sure wish I knew some people in Kenya....Do You?

Woo,,, sure wish I knew some people in Kenya....
WOO HOO the excitement is building !! HELLO KENYA ! Here we come...There will be many millionaires need to position yourself !! Message me for details you need to bring with you !!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013



1. Do you or anyone you know drink coffee?

2. How do you drink it? Black or Cream and Sugar?

3. What company or brand do you use?

4. Have they ever paid you for using their brand?

Next: Just give them a sacket of black coffee or café latte(with cream and sugar added). Ask them to try it and get back with you with their thoughts.


Do you know the second largest commodity on the New Year Stock Exchange?  Yes, Coffee,, only 2nd to Oil

Organo Gold is rated A with the Better Business Bureau.. Check it out for yourself.

Health Benefits of our OrGano Gold 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma

Organo Gold Diabetes, High Blood Pressure; Ganoderma surprises doctors

Organo Gold Diabetes, High Blood Pressure; Ganoderma surprises doctors


Listen and Learn.

Listen and Learn. It's simple, It's easy, It's Healthy Coffee

Email or Call Me

Tom Cooter


10001110613 United States

Phone: 4235256804

Do you or anyone you know drink coffee

1. Do you or anyone you know drink coffee or tea?

2. How do you drink it? Black or Cream and Sugar.

3. What company or brand do you use?

4. Have they ever paid you for using their brand?


It's easy, It's simple, Its Healthy Coffee

It's easy, It's simple, Its Healthy Coffee

The Coffee that Pays - Organo Gold

The Coffee that Pays - Organo Gold

Listen to Holton Buggs as he explained the Organo Gold Business.
The Coffee that Pays - Organo Gold

Health Benefits of our OrGano Gold 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma

Health Benefits of our OrGano Gold 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma
About Organo Gold

Organo Gold is a global network marketing company on a mission to spread knowledge of Ganoderma to the entire world. The company vision is to help people improve their lives by reaching new levels of health, wealth, and ...balance through the opportunity and products. In just five short years, this vision has inspired and helped millions around the world. To learn more about Organo Gold, please visit our website at